Global Business Challenge $100,000 First Prize Awarded to Team from China


A team from Peking University has taken out first place in the 2019 Global Business Challenge from a field of seven university finalists at an awards ceremony held in Brisbane.

The objective of the Global Business Challenge is to leverage the exceptional intellectual talent from the worlds’ top business schools and universities to solve a major global problem. The challenge set for 2019 was to ‘develop solutions to improve trust and customer value in the delivery of financial sector services’.

First place and the $100,000 first prize went to Quokka Cola from Peking University, China (Team members: Alexis John Avilla, Ina Liu, Janz Irvin Chiang). They were also the successful winners of the RACQ Innovation Showcase prize of $2000.

Second place went to Earth, Inc. from The University of Queensland, Australia – pictured below. (Team members: Juliana Meneses, Natalie Hurtado, Takefumi Yoshida, Silvie Ketelaars. Coach: Dr Saphira Rekker). The prize for second place was $15,000.

Third place went to Mujeres Wow from Universidad de Los Hemisferios and Universidad Casa Grande, Ecuador. (Team members: Ana Monteverde Salvatierra and Gabriela Monteverde Salvatierra. Collaborator: Carlos Monteverde Salvatierra). Third place prize was $10,000.

The runner-up teams were:

  • Finevestment from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
  • Incredibles from Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India
  • Safe-TM from University of Arizona, USA
  • MyWealthTree from Laurier University, Canada.

The competition is designed to challenge students to formulate business solutions for globally relevant and contemporary ‘wicked’ problems with global significance. Importantly, the GBC is designed to foster cross-border and cross-discipline collaborations to create solutions that capture emerging transformative business opportunities for industries, regions and countries.



Brenton Gibbs
Brenton is a contributing writer to MBA News Australia. He is a director and co-founder of communications, content & creative agency RGC Media & Mktng and editorial manager of Fixed Income News Australia.