Griffith unveils MBA for Life app

The Griffith MBA for Life App
The Griffith MBA for Life App

Queensland’s Griffith University has unveiled a new app designed to keep its MBA graduates learning well after they have graduated.

The new app is the centrepiece of Griffith Business School’s MBA for Life initiative.

The app is an interactive platform where anyone can update knowledge and get across the latest industry thinking through a range of categories including Director’s Updates, Ideas and Tips and MBA Program content. Business events, networking opportunities and articles from around the world on business practice are also accessible through the App.

“The MBA for Life is very much embodied in the App,” MBA Director, Dr Nick Barter, says.

The Griffith MBA is built around three core values – responsible leadership, sustainable business practice and global orientation – which effectively inform and guide the personal and professional lives of graduates.

“No one is going to say they want to be less responsible in the future. History shows organisations have taken on more and more responsibility over time,” Dr Barter says.

“No one is going to say let’s use up more resources, more quickly. Sustainable business practice is here to stay.

“These values transcend the moment and are worth retaining and revisiting. If someone is about responsible leadership, sustainability and has a global orientation, that doesn’t stop overnight.”

The MBA for Life will enable graduates operating at all levels of the business world to engage and interact with the latest thinking through the MBA App, a vibrant LinkedIn group and lecture options and short-course business workshops.

An updated and refreshed MBA curriculum, with an eye on the Asia Pacific region, will also inform the MBA for Life significantly.

“The Griffith MBA is a qualification for a lifetime and through the MBA for Life initiative, students can ensure they continue to stay up to date with the latest thinking and thus continue to be agents of change, making the world a better place to live and do business in.

“We are not providing training, we’re providing an education.”

Preview the iphone or ipad app here.

Preview for other devices here.

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Ben Ready
Ben Ready founded MBA News in 2014 and is the Managing Editor. He is a former business and finance journalist with Australian Associated Press (AAP) and Dow Jones Newswires in London. Ben completed his MBA in 2012 and was awarded the QUT GMAA Entrepreneurship Prize. He is also the founder and Managing Director of RGC Media & Mktng (