The Griffith Business School and Qld Business Monthly MBA Responsible Leadership Scholarship has attracted the largest number of applicants in its three-year history, with 80 students and professionals reaching stage two of the recipient competition.
The scholarship hopefuls, intending on commencing an MBA in October 2018 or February 2019, attended a master class earlier in September which was the second of three stages which determine the final recipients. Held at Griffith’s South Bank campus, the master class provided key content to assist applicants in writing a reflective essay to be judged in order to progress to the final round of the competition.
The final stage will require applicants to submit a final pitch video by October 8, and the winning applicant will receive the full scholarship valued at approximately $51,750.
The Qld Business Monthly MBA Responsible Leadership Scholarship was formed two years ago out of a partnership with QBM, a publication by the Courier-Mail focusing on the latest business news.
MBA director Associate Professor Chris Fleming said the partnership allows the business school to fulfil its mission statement of developing tomorrow’s globally responsible leaders.
“We are thrilled to be teaming with QBM once again to deliver the MBA Responsible Leadership Scholarship for another year,” he said.
“This partnership has been one borne of mutual respect and values, and to see this competition flourish over the past few years is a testament to the high regard enjoyed by both QBM and our University’s dedicated teaching staff among our students and industry professionals alike.”
Qld Business Monthly Editor Louise Brannelly was present at the master class and said the partnership was a natural fit for QBM.
“QBM is a magazine that celebrates optimism, innovation, sustainability and success, so a lot of our content is very aligned with Griffith Uni’s values.”
“Often, ethical and responsible leadership is abandoned in pursuit of profit or the bonus cheque, and I think that’s why Griffith Business School MBA graduates are needed in the world more than ever.
“The business leaders that will come from this program will enhance the quality and strength of Queensland’s business sector for years to come,” she said.
The scholarship will offer more than one chance for financial aid, with a runner-up prize valued at approximately $25,875 for MBA students commencing in October 2018 or February 2019. The scholarship will also select four finalists who will receive approximately $12,937.
The winner, runner up and finalists will also be celebrated at the Griffith Business School Gala Dinner on Friday 2 November 2018.